Ero-Card Showdown (free game itchio) Puzzle
Poon Puzzle Demo (Free Steam Demo Game) Puzzle
Oppai Game (free game itchio) Puzzle
Furry Puzzle Party! (free game itchio) Puzzle
Puzzle Life (free game itchio) Puzzle
Oppai Oppai Orbs (free game itchio) Puzzle
Hentai Fox (Paid Steam Game) Puzzle
Sweet Memo 2 Demo (free game itchio) Puzzle
Puzzle Pazuru! (free game itchio ) Puzzle
The Operator (free game itchio) Puzzle, Quest
Girls and Blocks (free game itchio) Puzzle
Puzzlero (free game itchio) Puzzle, 15 puzzle
Sweet Memo (free game itchio) Puzzle
Suexy Drop (free game itchio) Puzzle